The 10 Best Corporate Lawyers In India

A business lawyer or a company lawyer helps deal with various legal issues that are related to corporate business practices. Business deals or legal functions are generally handled by these business lawyers on behalf of their clients. For example, a business lawyer may also be dealing with corporate taxes or appraisals as well as overseeing mergers and acquisitions. 

Appointing a trustworthy and experienced corporate lawyer is the need of the hour, and the following article explains the same. What are the points one has to keep in mind when appointing a corporate lawyer?

 In a huge country like India, there are various legal talents if one is looking to appoint one. With such a huge number of advocates out there, it is necessary that you are aware of their qualities so that you can choose the right one to represent your case. Choosing the wrong advocate can prove disastrous for your business; hence, it is expected that thorough study and research are done before hiring a corporate lawyer. 

Questions one must ask himself before hiring an advocate:

To have a proper understanding of your problem, before getting yourself entangled in a court case, it is better to understand your issue and to seek professional advice regarding the same. As for whether your issue should be taken to court or whether an out-of-court settlement would be proper,etc. An experienced and qualified Corporate lawyer, in addition to representing you in court, can also provide you with necessary professional advice.

In case your problem can be solved on your own, various other measures could also be followed through which your matter could be sorted out, including measures such as mediation, arbitration, etc.

What is the Role of a Corporate Lawyer ?

Corporate lawyers are pivotal in advising businesses on legal matters, ensuring compliance with regulations, and facilitating smooth transactions. They are involved in drafting contracts, negotiating deals, and providing counsel on various issues, from mergers and acquisitions to intellectual property rights. The multifaceted nature of their responsibilities makes corporate lawyers' indispensable strategic partners for businesses of all scales.

Corporate Lawyer vs. Commercial Lawyer ?

While the terms ‘Corporate Lawyer’ and ‘Commercial Lawyer’ are often used interchangeably, there are subtle distinctions between the two. A Corporate Lawyer primarily focuses on the internal operations of a business, including governance, compliance, and transactions involving the company itself. 

On the other hand, a Commercial Lawyer deals with a broader spectrum of commercial activities, encompassing contracts, trade, and various business transactions. Understanding these nuances is crucial for aspiring legal professionals to choose the path that aligns with their career goals

What qualities should you look for in your advocate?

  • One of the most important qualities of your business lawyer should be that you are comfortable in the presence of your advocate. Only after you are comfortable with your lawyer will it be easier for you to impart the relevant information related to your business.

  • Before meeting your potential advocate, it is necessary to conduct proper research about the advocate. Also, you are advised to look for relevant information in case there are records of any complaints, charges for misconduct, or malpractice allegations against him.

  • It is necessary to appoint an advocate who is experienced in the business field and has successfully dealt with issues similar to yours. Therefore, before appointing an advocate, it is important that you ensure that he specialises in cases related to matters dealing with interstate business problems.

  • The prospective advocate must be understanding in nature in order to understand the issue you are facing and its importance to you.

  • One of the other important qualities to look forward to is the ability of the advocate to communicate in a language that can be easily understood by the client. Legal language is not something that is easily understood by a layman. Therefore, it is important that your lawyer explain to you the issue, procedure, etc. in simple language, which would make it easy for you to make a decision regarding your next step.

  • Also, the lawyer appointed by you should be someone who is easily available and can be contacted at any convenient time.

  • Fees for the advocate are another important issue that needs to be discussed when deciding to hire an advocate. The fees of the advocate would be dependent on the location, size, and prestige of the advocate. An honest advocate would present to you a clear and reasonable fee structure, which would make it easier for you to decide if you could afford him or her or not.

Queries to be made of your prospective advocate:

  • The first question which should be asked from the advocate shall be about his or her experience, i.e. for how long he or she has been practising.

  • Secondly, the kind of issues he handles and if he has ever dealt with matters similar to yours.

  • Thirdly, the kind of clients who have faced the corporate scams with the corporate and litigation.  

  • If he has any specialised certificates that could be of assistance in the types of cases he deals with.

  • Another query to be made is who is going to handle the case, i.e., if the advocate will himself deal with the case, if another lawyer is also going to represent the case, or if the juniors of the advocate are going to represent the client. Therefore, it would help the client to save himself from any other surprise while the case is in court. 

  • Also, it is important to ask the advocate what strategy he is going to use to present his case and what the success rate would be.

  • Another question that must be asked is how long the case is going to take in court.


While making business deals, situations may sometimes arise that demand rapid action. Therefore, it is important to have a business advocate in contact in advance so as to deal with the issue in its early stages so that you do not have to face a huge loss. In this regard, Lead India Law provides a team of experienced lawyers who have years of experience dealing with issues involving corporate law. Thus, if you wish to talk to a lawyer or seek free legal advice online, you may contact us. 


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